Friday, July 9, 2010


Finally new photos once again!
There is just something about photographing newborns that takes my breath away.
The innocence just glows from within. From their tiny hands down to their tiny toes,
newborns simply make for the best photo ops!

Today was filled with snapshots of both a precious baby followed up by a senior photo shoot along with an eager brother. I must say I'm pretty proud of myself.

Now tomorrow I will have three shoots with yet another newborn session.
It seems like everyone is having a baby these days.
Needless to say it will be one busy day for me followed by yet another
closing night at the pit. On the bright side, today was payday.
yess :)

I'm doing my best to eliminate my compulsive shopping habits.
The only way I can semi keep it under control
is to stay away from stores and pick something to save up for.
Maybe a cruise to Mexico in November?
Or New Years in New York?
Definitely on my "to save for" list.

Sleep Tight Readers :)

The beautiful Saydee Hope Harris.
She was such a joy to work with, even though she was wide awake through the whole session.

Brianna and Caleb Upton

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